I'm Back!

Hello! If you had trouble getting the website site before, I apologize. Some work needed to be done. Anyway, here I am again and I have a few things lined up for this year. Celtica Radio Ltd. has agreed to play some of my music on their radio broadcasts ; I'll keep you up to date about this new opportunity for me. Also, I am finally graduating with a BA in Social Science next month. I am quite thrilled about it! Then I will start my Master's Degree program in English immediately. As a writer as well as a singer, I want to be able to express myself the very best I can and another degree certainly won't hurt me while I pursue a career in music!:) The surprise I was planning has to be postponed until I find the proper medium to expose it. Moreover, I apologize for currently not having a copy of my CD, Dreamwalk, available but that will change soon. In the meantime, the digital singles of each song can still be purchased through stores like Amazon and Apple iTunes at a very reasonable price, so don't hesitate to buy one! I promise that the CD will once again be available. These hard economic times are hitting everyone and grassroots artists like myself are certainly no exception! Well, I must be off! Till next time! BKT:)