My 20 favorite movie soundtracks of all time, Pt.1

Hey gang! I thought it would be fun during this period where I am working on songwriting and business to write to you about one of my favorite subjects: movies! I am an avid movie goer and film buff. So what would I consider to be twenty of the greatest movie soundtracks ever? First, I have to give the first ten soundtracks to perhaps the most dominant film composer ever with over 100 scores to his credit: John Williams. Is it a small wonder why Steven Spielberg has said that he would not make films without him? I heard him say that personally when I attended a performance of John Williams with the New York Philharmonic as a birthday present. Included in the program were excerpts from "Pscyho", "North by North West", "Taxi Driver", "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade", and of course, "Star Wars" (the first released of the saga)! Thus , here is my first ten not necessarily in order: 1- Star Wars: Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back (Imperial March and Yoda's theme are among my favorites) 2-Star Wars: Episode IV: A New Hope ( a perennial favorite) 3- Raiders of The Lost Ark (perhaps my all-time favorite movie) 4-Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (Love that Holy Grail theme!) 5- Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (Magnificent theme for the aliens and that sultry motif for the lovely Cate Blanchett's character, Dr.Irina!) 6-Jaws (how about that Bruce the shark motif with two notes repeated over and over on the double basses?:)) 7- Schindler's List ( Itzhak Perlman's plaintive violin soloing is enough to make one cry) 8-Star Wars: Episode 1: The Phantom Menace ( The astounding "Duel of the Fates" is a magnificent choral piece that could easily rival any excerpt from Brahms' masterpiece "Ein Deutsches Requiem") 9-E.T The ExtraTerestrial:a truly uplifting score. 10- Close Encounters Of The Third Kind: Who could have thought that five notes could say so much:) Well, this is the end of Part one: come back for part two where I name such luminaries as Howard Shore, Bernard Herrmann, John Barry and Ennio Morricone!:) BKT

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