Introduction to the Guitar

I can virtually play almost twenty different musical instruments but there is one that I always go back to and is usually my first choice to pick up when I start writing a song: the guitar. It is a very handy instrument and one cannot certainly pick up a piano and go outside to play!:) However, a guitar does not have this handicap (nothing is wrong at all with a piano, of course; one literally has the orchestra at one's fingertips and it was my very first instrument!). I thought it would be interesting to share with you how accessible the instrument actually is and can instantly become your new friend. When I was a kid, I thought of every instrument I acquired as a new friend. Oftentimes, the mistake of quickly alienating a student to the guitar or any instrument is made. I do not want to make that mistake here, so welcome to a new world!:) I am imagining now how I would teach the instrument. First, here are some questions: (1) Where are the frets located on a guitar?(a) (a) near the tuning pegs (b) near the saddle (c) near the soundhole (d) near the pick guard (e) on the neck (2) From where did it come? (a) England (b) Afghanistan (c) Africa (d) The United States (e) Spain (3) How many strings are on a basic guitar? (a) 8 (b) 6 (c) 5 (d) 4 (e)12 (4) Where is the bridge located on the guitar?:) (5) Who is NOT a guitar player? (a) Jimmy Page (b) Jean-Luc Ponty (c) Brian May (d) Paul McCartney (e) Angus Young (6) Which song is NOT necessarily a guitar-centered one? (a) Stairway To Heaven (b) Dust in the Wind (c) Classical Gas (4) She's Got a Way (5) She's Got A Ticket To Ride Ok, ok, the last question may have been a no-brainer, but you got my point!:) Now here are some answers: #1: (e) ; #2: (e) (although there is evidence that it really is (c); #3: this was a trick question because there are six-string and twelve string guitars, so the answers are (b) and (e); #4: The bridge is located near the saddle where the strings end at almost the bottom of the instrument; #5: (b) and (e): Jean Luc- ponty is a famous jazz-rock violinist and Angus Young is the lead singer of the classic rock group, ACDC; #6: (4) Ok, the Billy Joel song was a given:). Well, now that you tried my little pop quiz, check out the video I chose:

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