Behind the Songs Pt. 2

Hello again! It's time for a brief look at another one of the songs that is on my latest CD, "The Byron Taylor Songbook, which is called "The Knight and the Queen." I wrote it a week before "With all of My Heart" and it was inspired by my love of medieval literature and myths. I wanted a love story between a knight and a queen to have a happy ending for a change instead of a Tristan and Isolde kind of fate. I wrote the score for strings,  French horns, and English Horn as a sort of Bach minuet since the song has a 3/4 time signature. I had so much fun writing the score with a glass of Chardonnay by my side (a habit I admittedly enjoy when writing scores, I may add, but only ONE glass of course!). I played every other instrument and sang the lead vocal in one take after having a hamburger(something I would not recommend but, hey, it  made me feel more comfortable!). So the next time you hear the song, think of it as a mini-tale of medieval love but also as a metaphor for a man who would do anything to protect his woman because he loved her and her strength added to his own.:)BKT

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